
Scott is a member of SAG-AFTRA.

Scott’s first public performance was as Santa Claus, leading his kindergarten colleagues in a rousing rendition of “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” while marching off the stage of Jim Bridger Elementary School’s cafetorium and into who-knew-what uncertain future, while his parents looked on and marveled.

Scott has been an active stage performer his entire life.

Since that humble beginning, Scott’s work has centered around legitimate and musical theatre, and opera. His stage exploits include creating the role of Posterity in the Person of Leibnitz for the world premiere of Louis Andriessen’s Theatre of the World for the Los Angeles Philharmonic (recording available here: , singing Farasmane in Handel’s Radamisto for Musica Angelica (performed in Mexico City at the Palacio de Bellas Artes), originating the role of Josef Stalin in the world premiere of Lisa Scola Prosek’s opera Daughter of the Red Tsar, creating the role of Dolores in the world premiere of Caliban Dreams in a co-production of Berkeley West Edge Opera and First Look Sonoma, originating the roles of Lewis and Father Tree in Michael Webster and Eileen Myles’ opera Hell, performed in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Tijuana, Mexico.

Most recently he played the role of the Wolf in Jason Barraba’s micro-opera Any Excuse Will Serve A Tyrant. Other roles include Apollo and Pluto in Marc Antoine Charpentier’s baroque opera La Descente d’Orfée aux Enfers with the Catacoustic Consort in Cincinnati, OH.

Mr. Graff also has performed and recorded several musical theatre projects with local composer Deborah Wicks La Puma—projects include Petpourri, Chasing George Washington, Elephant and Piggie are in a Play, and The Bell Witch Project.

Scott Graff Actor Image


Play Video
Gaming/Animation VO demo
Play Video

Treasure Hogs Trailer (narration VO)

Play Video

Any Excuse Will Serve a Tyrant—world premiere performance of Jason Barabba’s 6.5-minute micro opera (Boston Court, part of DuoFest, July 18, 2017. With Justine Aronson as the Lamb, and Scott Graff as the Wolf. Autoduplicity and Aperture Duo, conducted by Geoffrey Pope, and directed by June Carryl.)

Play Video

Pet Pourri: A Musical about People and their Pets. A witty musical about people and their pets. This cabaret-style musical features a zany cast of characters and music that sticks in your ear. Composer: Deborah Wicks LaPuma. Lyricist: Andy Dodds.

  • “Bach’s great Passion According to Saint John was given eloquent voice by the California Bach Society Sunday afternoon at the First Congregational Church of Berkeley… Scott Graff sang the role of Jesus, investing every word with dignity and conviction.”

    San Francisco Classical Voice

  • “It was the voices – all of them of fine quality – that were the main assets of this performance… [including] baritone Scott Graff, a sonorous Pilatus.”

    Los Angeles Times

  • “…in Lisa Scola-Prosek’s opera [Daughter of the Red Tzar]… heard Friday night at the Thick House on San Francisco’s Potrero Hill, the musicality of bass/baritone Scott Graff’s Stalin emerged as a hero of the production.”

    Jeff Dunn, San Francisco Classical Voice

  • “His sonorous baritone easily glided between daffy lightness and mock stentorian tones.”

    Crescenta Valley Weekly

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